You can find Pre-Visit Activities and Post Visit Activities to do with your classes or children.
Check it out, our Education Director, Trisha Clifford-Sprouse has thought of everything:
Pre-Visit Activities for Your Class
- Print one of our pre-visit worksheets and use it with your students to generate interest in your upcoming trip.
- Museum Chart (see Attachment)
- In the Art Musuem
- Ask students to write down questions they may have and bring them along so they can ask a Museum Educator.
- Explore this website to generate excitement about the trip.
- Suggest some books to familiarize students with art and artists in general, and artists from the Museum's collections in particular. Here are some re. Childhood and history for the exhibition “An Ohio Childhood”
Clothes 100 years ago by Allison Lassieur
- Divide the class into small research groups to develop how they think childhood is the same and different from 100 years ago, 200 years ago. Have students interview family members or older family friends about their childhood.
- Please review the Museum rules with students and chaperones.
- Review the social story found on our website about visiting the Decorative Arts Center of Ohio
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Post Visit Activities for Your Class
- Print one of our post-visit worksheets and use it with your students to reflect upon your experiences.
- Memory Drawings (attached)
- Write their experiences at the Museum in a journal using language and/or images.
- Send examples of students' reactions to their Museum visit, such as drawings or letters, to the Director of Education.
- Review the pre-visit experience chart to see which predictions were true and what new ideas students learned.
- Create a class mural about the trip by passing around a large sheet of paper so students can write or sketch their impressions of the trip.
- Have students research any issues or questions that came up during their tour.
- Talk to other educators about the visit, and think about how the Museum can be used as a resource to enhance classroom learning.
- Ask students to tell their parents about their trip to the Museum. Suggest they return to the Museum with their families and remind them that admission is always free
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