Thank you for all your support in helping bringing the art of this amazing woman to life. Tell Me a Story Where the Bad Girl Wins: The Life and Art of Barbara Shermund is the perfect title, and we had record attendance at the member opening party and a terrific turnout at Caitlin McGurk’s Curator's Talk. Next up is political cartoonist Nate Beeler and his “Chalk Talk” artist talk on March 1.
Our volunteers, docents, and staff are working hard to welcome our goal of 1,800 visitors to the exhibition, so please bring your friends, family and groups.
We would also ask you to become a member this month; we’d like to grow to 400 members strong. Call, stop in or join online. We also welcome any and all who would like to volunteer with us. It’s a growing group, and I think they’re having fun. Sign up today!
We’re planning a robust spring and summer of classes and camps, so look for the schedule in coming weeks. And for frequent updates and fascinating art news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
I am always eager to hear your feedback on how we’re doing; call, email, text, or stop by any time – the door’s always open!
David Hogrefe